It also has a website called, where you can create your own piece of pizza and spend Pizz points, although people use that advantage to place orders by talking to Strong Bad. Strong Badia also has a pizza joint called The Pizz, with Homestar Runner and The Cheat as employees. Their rivals are the Italian Space Program, who have once attempted to spy on Strong Badia with a satellite, according to Strong Bad. Strong Badia also has its own local news station which broadcasts on Action Cool 5, and a space program called The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil (or SBASAF), dedicated to the manned taping of aluminum foil to cardboard.

As seen in the email little questions, Strong Badia is, or at some point was, on very good economic and political terms with Sweden (perhaps even to the point of an alliance). Strong Bad gives Strong Badia a firm scrubbing every Thursday for community service due to a prior arrest, as he explains in other days. This monument is unfinished due to the fact Strong Bad and The Cheat were distracted by The Thnikkaman. The Stop Sign and the Cinder Block serve as an unfinished monument to Strong Badia's monarch. This anthem later appears on Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits. In the email flag day, Strong Bad sings the Strong Badia National Anthem and the flag of Strong Badia is first shown.

However, none of these events ever came to pass. Also, the Cinder Block and Sign were to have separated, the Tire would have "won the title", and Strong Sad would have become more whiny. The Cheat would also have painted a mural on the fence, reading " FIReWORKS or die", and there would be a world-class hole. In the email 2 years, Strong Bad predicted that by September 2005 (two years after the email was released), the population would have tripled to also include a bundt cake pan and Coach Z. Since the tire is inanimate, Strong Badia is completely devoid of any permanent flora or fauna. However, the official population of Strong Badia, as recorded on the Stop Sign, is "Tire". In colonization, he tells the story of how it was founded (which took place around the time that the wireless web and energy drinks were invented) when Strong Bad started renting land from Bubs so he could have the freedom to put ketchup on his eggs.Ĭitizens of Strong Badia include Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat (although all three of which do not actually live here), the Tire, the Stop Sign, the Cinder Block, the Bear Holding a Shark, General Tso's Chicken, and the ghost of the Tandy 400. Strong Bad introduced his monarchy in i rule. It is directly adjacent to The Field, as revealed in the Strong Bad Email monument. There is also a stop sign reading "STRONG BADIA POP: TIRE," which leans on a cinder block. It consists of a dirt field in front of a white fence, with a tire leaning against it. Strong Badia (sometimes misspelled as Strongbadia) is the field behind the dumpsters that is ruled over by Strong Bad (though so far these dumpsters remain to be seen). The Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil (SBASAF) The background displays the Strong Badian landscape with a red sky.